Thursday, March 09, 2006

Co-Dependant Tree Planting...

I usually wait until I get at least one comment on a blog before I do another one... but oh well...

Tree planting metaphor hit me the other day, and maybe those who don't tree plant will feel left out, but here it goes anyway.

Partner planting. Most people like doing it, because it breaks up the monotony of a day by yourself. There are two kinds of partner planting though. First there is co-dependant planting planting. This is were one planter B is significantly slower than planter A, but planter A feels it is more important to stick with B than to reach his or her full potential and striking out on their own. The second kind is competitive planting. This is where both planters are trying to out plant the other one, which actually makes both of them work harder and faster than they would on their own. They are focused on the prize. That can be money, or it can be God, for God calls us to give our best effort.

*Just to warn you, this metaphor has flaws, but... *

Its just like our walk with God. Sometimes we fall into a co-dependant walk with another person. We start out together in the same place. but as you go, you realize that you are being called to move ahead of your partner, and your just not willing to. Its to hard to abandon the close relationship you had with them. The problem is, if you don't move ahead, you'll never know if that person could keep up with you. But even if you can't, you have to move ahead! One big flaw in this metaphor is that in your walk, God is always with you, though sometimes it can feel like you are planting by yourself.

In a way, its not a flaw, because God is with us when we are planting by ourselves too, and we can see Him all around us if we open our eyes.

1 comment:

Drifter said...

You know it sucks that in that metaphor, I was the guy that you were having to leave behind. Remember the private show? Man, that sucked. I hate being carried. That was such a humbling day for me. I think that I am still learning stuff from it though. It just made me laugh. While reading your blog I was like, "hey, that was me! Dang it!" hahahahaha, have a good one Tommy.